[gcompris-devel] Japanese falling letters

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Tue Feb 10 15:15:02 UTC 2004

Just posted your question on gnome-devel.
Hope will found an easy way to do this.


Le lun 09/02/2004 à 22:51, Yan Seiner a écrit :
> Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> > Well, we already have this with serbian I think. They have 2 alphabets
> > and it translates to 2 po files in gcompris. Then the user select as
> > usual the one to use.
> Bruno:
> I've got some very rough stuff hacked out for UTF-8 support in gletters. 
>   I've hit a stumbling block that I hope someone can help me with.
> AFAICT, ASCII is hard-coded into gletters.  I've hacked out some 
> guesswork for generalizing this into arbitrary character sets, and got 
> some ideas on how to handle multiple sublevels based on charsets, and 
> how to deal with increasing difficulty levels in arbitrary charsets, but 
> I'm stuck.
> Where do find (or generate) the charset given the locale information?  I 
> have not found anything anywhere that even tells me where to look.
> What I need is to fill an array with the UTF-8 chars for the locale. 
> I've found all sorts of ways for dealing with UTF-8 charactes, but 
> nothing that tells me how to generate a Czech alphabet if the user has 
> LANG=cz_CS set (or a japanese character set if LANG=ja_JP is set.)
> This being an internationnal list, I hope someone can point me in the 
> right direction.  Reading the docs for locale, the various LC_XXXX files 
> don't have a charset for the locale anywhere.
> Thanks,
> --Yan

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