[gcompris-devel] Python 2.3 and Fedora Core...

Andrea Giuliano a.giuliano at iccu.sbn.it
Tue Feb 10 08:54:01 UTC 2004

Dear all,

I cannot install nor build Gcompris 5 on my Fedora Core 1 box, because 
it lacks python 2.3, and I guess it will for a long time.

Also, I never had python support working in any Gcompris version, even 
on RH8 and RH9, because "configure" alway says "checking for 
Py_Initialize in -lpython2.2...no", even though "nm libpython2.2" says 
that Py_Initialize is there!

Any suggestions?

Best regards.

Andrea Giuliano, Ph. D.
ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico
Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome - ITALY
Tel. +39064989509, Fax +39064059302

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