[gcompris-devel] Testing CVS-Version

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Feb 1 15:46:02 UTC 2004

Le dim 01/02/2004 à 16:39, Ronny Standtke a écrit :
> Am Sonntag, 1. Februar 2004 12:31 schrieb Bruno Coudoin:
> > Which bug you are talking about. I just checked the target activity
> > where the kid could just click ok and win without having send a single
> > dart. I check again, It's fixed. Please check again or tell me exactly
> > which bug you see remains.
> OK, it seems you did not read all of my email from 20th of January. I paste 
> the relevant parts here:
> > > 3. Modality problems
> > >
> > > The positive feedback flower in the boards readingv and readingh does not
> > > pause the board itself. The board paints its buttons over the flower and
> > > can be used even while the flower is presented.
> >
> > Fixed.
> No, its not fixed. I noticed that the flower is not modal in any case 
> (positive / negative). You can click the answer button several times during 
> the presentation of the flower. If you click the "correct" button several 
> times you can crash gcompris because for every click it moves one level 
> further even when the level does not exists any more.
Sorry, I can't confirm that.  To me this is fixed. You may not run the
latest version. Hum I hope.

> > > 4. Pause after solution selection leads to problems
> > >
> > > In some boards there is a short pause between selecting the solution and
> > > presenting the feedback. In this pause several things can be done, like
> > > selecting another solution or opening the help. If the help is opened in
> > > this situation it is not modal any more and we have the same problems
> > > like reported some weeks ago. The affected boards are: missing_letter,
> > > colors, read_colors, advanced_colors and leftright.
> >
> > Fixed.
> Not fixed. The pause is still there and you can still select another solution 
> during the pause. This can lead to the situation that in e.g. the 
> missing_letter board the solution is already displayed (the missing 
> character) but the selected (last) solution is wrong. Then the board keeps 
> asking a letter it already shows :-P
Oops, you are correct, these were not fixed. They are now.

> > No, there is always bugs in software, known or not. If we wait they are
> > all fixed before releasing, then no more releases of gcompris and of
> > many software will never be possible.
> Being a developer myself (e.g. http://pauker.sourceforge.net/) I know what you 
> are talking about. But if there are well known bugs which are not very hard 
> to fix you should not release a new version. And please, think again about an 
> official freeze period so that translations can catch up before you announce 
> a new version. You will find this policy with all larger software projects, 
> e.g. with KDE or GNOME.
OK I hear you. BTW, I already did Release canditate version in the past
for the 4.0 release branch if I remember. I should have done this here.
All my fault.
Note that it's important to make a pre-release also for translators.

> > Don't take it bad. I really appreciate the job you made by reporting
> > bugs. It's not always fun but this is very important and usefull for
> > gcompris. Please, continue.
> I will, promised :-)
> Greetings
> Your stubborn bug reporter Ronny
You bug creator ;)


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