[gcompris-devel] Re: Three new python boards

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Thu Apr 1 13:47:00 UTC 2004

Excellent news, finally something new in gcompris !

Le jeu 01/04/2004 à 00:27, Christof Petig a écrit :
> Bonjour Bruno,
> I have packaged the three boards we have coded during the past four days 
> (learning python). They are inspired by the EPI programs algorithme and 
> minouche:
> - algorithm: recognize the pattern and repeat it (ABCABC or ABCCBA or 
> ABCDABCD or ...)

Very good. That's a usual activity for the kids. Good to have and not
that complex, just 184 line of code ;)
In the code I found the variable zufall. doesn't seems british... please
avoid to use non english in the code to help the maintainers.

> - minouche: find the strawberry hidden (color codes distance)
> - hexagon: the hexagonal variant of minouche (I particularly like this 
> board, it looks very pretty) [RPGers like hexagonal maps for their easy 
> distance measurement]
I saw that there is 2 different file for each activity but to me it
should be a level 1 = minouche, level 2 = hexagon. Do you see a way to
do that or do you plan to add levels to each one ? For example, would
the concept work with letters and numbers. 

BTW, the call to gcompris.bar_set (0) was missing in hexagon and the
help button was not displayed. Fixed now.

> Particularly I managed to squeeze the following information out of the 
> python source code/documentation/web and provide an example for it:
> - using the score functions in python
> - using polygons with the canvas in python
> - altering canvas objects' properties
> Enjoy
>     Christof
> PS: This tarball lacks the Makefile.am patches to include the boards 
> into gcompris. If you want me to provide it simply ask (we simply copied 
> the files into our installed gcompris).

I made them, no problem.

> PPS: I did not manage to get semitransparent rects (is that correct)

You can play with this with the anti aliased canvas (gcompris -a). I
added transparency to the hexagon and manouche items.

> P3S: Gcompris plays well with gnome-canvas 2.6 (debian/experimental)

Nice to know things won't necessarily get worse ;)

Your code is commited. To all: please test it.

Thanks a lot.


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