[gcompris-devel] Windows port Re: refresh bug in the canvas

Christof Petig christof at petig-baender.de
Thu May 22 02:08:02 UTC 2003

Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Does that means also that it doesn't need gnome. 
> Going that path, I could port gcompris to gtk since I use only the
> canvas, and provide a windows version ?

Yes, I think that a windows port is feasible (though I suspect porting 
problems with the dynamic loading of boards). And if anybody want's to 
follow that road, I will happily support him/her with my advice/experience.

I'm really busy improving another piece of gtk based software on Windows 
(http://midgard.berlios.de) to do it myself. But I'm sure gcompris would 
see a friendly welcome in my son's scool once available on Windows. How 
many volunteers are we able to collect?

Count on me

PS: I promised to send german voices for the country map. My first 
attempt with a recycled headset as a micro gave too low quality IMO (I 
still have the files), the cheap microphone I bought seems broken ... 
still trying with different audio hardware pieces.

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