[gcompris-devel] gcompris 3.1

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Thu Jun 5 03:17:13 UTC 2003

Le ven 06/06/2003 à 00:01, Rob van Dam a écrit :
> I checked out gcompris 3.1. Great improvements (refresh-bug free)!
> I have some minor problems (which are really minor)
> * the change of screen resolution and skin are not directly applied.
I'd like to have it also. I don't really know how to do that.On the same
track, locale changes are not fully dynamicaly changed (confusing).

I added this in the todo list but don't plan to work on this soon. 

The position is open ;)

> * when downloading gcompris it's not clear what's the difference between
> gcompris-core and gcompris full. (the first time I downloaded them both)
It is clear that we lack some kind of FAQ on the gcompris website to
give this kind of advice.
Next release, I'll find a spot to explain that.


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