[gcompris-devel] From the python front (and gnome2.2) and problems running gcompris

Olivier Samyn osamyn at ulb.ac.be
Fri Feb 21 02:49:09 UTC 2003

Le jeu 20/02/2003 à 20:24, pgeorges a écrit :
> First, I don't know how the python API will work, but for example I 
> added (not commited) a function to rotate items in gameutil.c :
> void item_rotate(GnomeCanvasItem *item, double angle) {
>    double m[6];
>    art_affine_rotate( m, angle );
>    gnome_canvas_item_affine_absolute( item, m );
> }
> Will this be avalaible with python ?
> If yes, I suppose such functions will have to be mapped to python manually ?

Of course we'll have to provide some manual written wrappers for such functions...

My first goal is to get some basic plugins working:
 => create a plugin doing the match between C and python
 => Wrap some structures like Gcomprisboard
 => wrap all intensively used functions like the set_background one.

After that, we'll be able to extend the functionnalities and add functions like 
the one you commited.

Olivier Samyn.

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