[gcompris-devel] Some questions/suggests....

Olivier Samyn osamyn at ulb.ac.be
Mon Feb 17 07:14:13 UTC 2003

> > But here comes the first question: Is this approach valid ? Does anyone
> > have remarks ?
> > 
> No remarks for now, it will break nothing I can think of.

I just had to modify the configure script, and some makefiles.

I had also to link gcompris, and not the module, with python. In the
orther case I had some symbols... I'll check if I can find a work
around... I someone have an idea...

> Both make sense, let's go for $prefix/lib/gcompris/python like you
> propose.


> >   void (*about) (void);         /* Show the about box */
> It as never been used and should not be used. We now have all the manual
> including credits in the xml board file.
> It should be removed.  
> >   void (*configure) (void);     /* Show the configuration dialog */
> > 
> OK, here I see the point. This is twice in the API. One should be
> removed.
> I suggest to remove the lines :
> void (*about) (void);		/* Show the about box */
> void (*configure) (void);	/* Show the configuration dialog */
> from plugin.h
> Now when is the best time to do this ? I assume you prefer to make your
> implementation on a clean API.
> Please, tell me when to do it, and I will do it.

I'm currently working on the gcompris 2.1 version... and in a first
iteration, I'll ignore the removed functions... (replace by a null in
the plugin structure.)

But since I mostly add a new plugin my changes a confined to
configure/makefiles and my own plugin code... so I'll use diff to modify
what's needed when I think it's time to sync the sources.

> > 
> > After all those questions, here are some suggests:
> > - Remove the .xml.in an makefiles from the installation process. I got
> > all those files in my $prefix/share/gcompris directory.
> I agree but I don't have them in my case after a make install.
> We have the problem with these files being present in the tar ball (make
> dist). I have already fixed that in the last gcompris/Makefile.am 

I think I'll have to check one day the cvs version...

> > - Some gnome 1.x macros or constructs are use in the configure file.
> > Replacing those with pkg-config macros will be a good idea (since
> > gcompris uses gnome 2.x) Especially for the libxml checks.
> > 
> OK, please fix it if you know the correct answer.

It's already done for the libxml in my version :)... I'll remove the
other unusefull macros hoping it'll not break the build process on other

And to end this mail, here are some work in progress report:
- I got the plugin work with python and be able to make some simple
- I got some widgets glue code working (for sample changing in python
the text of a C created label...)
- I'm working on the gnome canvas glue code (similar to the widget one)
What need to be done:
- Implement glue code for the GCompris functions
- Try to link python into the plugin and not into the main gcompris

See you

Olivier Samyn <osamyn at ulb.ac.be>

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