[gcompris-devel] GCompris under MacosX with X11 ?

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Fri Feb 14 08:54:16 UTC 2003

I am not a mac fan but I have been told that it runs under MacOSX.
If this is the one you use, I can get in touch with theis person.
BTW, he wanted to put gcompris in the fink.sf database (mac ports) but I
have not seen it yet.


Le ven 14/02/2003 à 14:46, Stéphane Ascoët a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm using GCompris in my cyberespace on Freeduc stations. But I've got 
> 2 eMac too, and I'd like to put it on. In the flyer, the configuration 
> seems to correspond, but since the programm uses Gnome librairies, will 
> it work ?
ofset    http://ofset.sf.net/
gcompris http://ofset.sf.net/gcompris

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