[gcompris-devel] Re: gcompris-devel digest, Vol 1 #425 - 4 msgs

bruno patin bruno.patin at wanadoo.fr
Fri Dec 19 11:34:02 UTC 2003

>>beginning with glib and using X11 (I agree we'll have to pass to windows but I prefer to work in the same world then step by step adopting some new libraries). Perhaps am I too cautious  :-\ .
>>I will do this work step by step and as the gcompris package do use only the gnome canvas I think there will be no problem or so I hope  :-) .
>>there am I. I take as a goal to deliver something finished as a first port mid january in order to begin with deleting X11 and then porting to mingw. What do you think of this planning ?
>Your are lucky to be able to make a such plan, january always seems to
>be next year to me ;)
>After the test I made, I assume cygwin is the wrong way. I will try to
>go the mingw path to see were it can bring us.
>Not sure it's worth the time trying with cygwin anymore.
So we'll do like this in order to explore the two ways. I'll work a 
little on cygwin and you on mingw. What were your problems with cygwin ? 
the graphical part ? the plugins ? As soon as I have something I'll tell 
you. What is the version of assetml you use ? I took the last cvs version.


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