[gcompris-devel] [slightly OT] GCompris demo in flash with vnc2swf

Rami rami.aubourg at ifrance.com
Mon Dec 1 01:22:02 UTC 2003

> Is it somekind of recording tool, which makes a swf of what your doing?

Exactly. You have to launch vncserver first (better do it manually if
you're on a local LAN. It might be condidered as a security breach). It
tells you on which display tou're listening (usually YOUR_MACHINE:1.0)
and asks you for a password. You can specify a geometry option, too for
the resolution. I used 800x600 for gcompris.
Most Linux distros include vncserver in some package like Xvnc.
Then you launch vnc2vcf SOMETHINg.swf YOUR_MACHINE:1.0,and launch your
app (in this case gcompris). When you press F9, it starts/stops recordig
what you're doing into SOMETHING.swf. Then you just have to upload the
file on a site.
I wasn't a great fan of flash. But now it seems like it's going the way
of pdf: not really open, but playing more or less by the rules of
compatibility, ease of install on about any OS, possibility of
generation by Open Office presenter, etc...

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