[gcompris-devel] Question in submarine

Olivier Samyn osamyn at ulb.ac.be
Mon Aug 18 14:02:05 UTC 2003

Hello all,

Yes, I'm still alive but since I started a new job, I lost my high speed 
internet connection and I'm not able to cmake more changes to gcompris 
until I get ADSL probably in november... but at all, I still follow what 
appends to this piece of code :) and here I think I have to give some 
Bruno Coudoin wrote:

>For the gnome API, I am sorry for it. I agree with you that it lacks
>documentation and we suffer bugs.  You entered into another complexity
>using the afine to rotate the submarine and I feel your pain.
>On the other hand the gnome canvas is a high level API and allows us to
>create the drawing board for example that would be difficult to
>implement with lower level API like SDL.
Here, I join what I think Hilaire saids: we will have to add some new 
functions to gcompris (like some already exists) to help a bit the 
programmers. Maybe having more basic that may be extended will be a good 

>Lately we got the chance to have the python plugin created but
>unfortunatly, we failed to attract python coders to effectively use it.
Unfortunately (from the gcompris point of view) I dont have time to 
continue this until two or three months... and so, the python plugin 
laks a good example module to be implemented with it...
But I hope doing this before the end of the year :)

>What is your suggestion on the API front (QTCanvas, SDL, Stay as
>current)? What to other think ?
I never takes a look to those other api's but does they really offer 
something more than the gnome one's ? maybe just some docs ?
I don't know about the gnomecanvas developpers, but if one of them may 
become a gcompris one, maybe we will get some more interactions between 
the two "teams" and add the functionnalities we lacks...

>>I'm sorry not to participate more to gcompris, but I tried my best to 
>>understand Gnome APIs and found nothing less usable in 10 years of IT !
>>So I really got fed up.
And to end... if some one wants a java plugin why not ? There must be 
some ways to do this (maybe using  JNI ...)
But I think finishing something in python is better... then if I get 
some time :)

See you

Olivier Samyn.

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