[gcompris-devel] gcomris-2.1 on FreeBSD

Martin Klaffenboeck martin.klaffenboeck at gmx.at
Wed Apr 23 11:20:01 UTC 2003


I'm trying to port gcompris-2.1 to freebsd.  I just had a few simple 
patches to add, if you want to have them, please tell me, I will attach 

It builds fine here, but it cannot be started by simply type gcompris 
in my terminal.

I get as an output a loop with the messages:

cond_wait  : Invalid argument
mutex_unlock: Invalid argument

I don't know what comes first.  When I hit Ctrl-C then, I can hear the 
sound.  When I press that again, there comes the start screen (or I 
think it is).  But it does not work to go into the menus, the programm 
seems to hang, but the loop of this two messages comes again and 
again.  I cannot kill the programm on the terminal with Ctrl-C, the 
only way is to start another terminal and kill it from there.

Whats going on here?

gnome version: 2.3


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