[gcompris-devel] how to add a lib

Christof Petig christof at petig-baender.de
Tue Sep 17 02:08:03 UTC 2002

pgeorges schrieb:
> I would like to link gcompris with libpthread.
> What do I have to do in configure.in or makefile.am ?

Basically you have to do the following:
- add a check for the name and or path of the library and put the 
LDFLAGS (-L/path) and LIBS (-lpthread) into a reasonable variable (e.g. 
PTHREAD_LDFLAGS=-L... and PTHREAD_LIBS=-lpthread via export) then 

- add your variables to LIBS and program_LDFLAGS in the Makefile.am.

examples for configure.in :

ALSA.m4 uses something like (which assumes the name but does not check 
for it)
   export PTHREAD_LIBS=-lpthread

Tcl.m4 even checks for the existance of pthread like
and then under the name "pthreads" and "c" (if then else cascade)

    Christof Petig

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