[gcompris-devel] sound problem

Artur Pinheiro artur at be.bes.pt
Tue Mar 26 07:54:03 UTC 2002

pgeorges wrote:

>Artur Pinheiro a écrit :
>>I found that installing gcompris without ogg123, make gcompris to crash.
>>I only can start gcompris with "gcompris -m"
>>I think there shoud be a check somewhere.
>ogg123 is mandatory, so the check should a RPM dependency, rather than a
>runtime one  ?
>gcompris-devel mailing list
>gcompris-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
I realy think there should be a check. The program can not crash just 
because of that...

I also think there must be something in the documentation about that, I 
supose ogg123 is necessary, but there is no reference about it in the 
documentation, it even makes noise without it ;-)


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