[gcompris-devel] shapeboard major changes for scales and geography

Bruno Coudoin bcoudoin at anfora.fr
Wed Jun 12 00:50:03 UTC 2002

I have modified shapeboard plugin to let the scale board allow any
combination in any order for the solution.
To to this, I extended the xml shape board file to include a poperty:
<ShapeGame OkIfAddedName="5">
 zoomx="1" zoomy="1" position="0"/>
Then each item must have a number as a name like
<Shape name="4" pixmapfile="scales/masse4.png" x="200" y="172" 
When the user click ok, the sum of name of placed item must equals the
given OkIfAddedName value.

check boards/scales/board1_0.xml for an example

The default behavoir is still the puzzle where each piece must go to its

On the same basis, we could imagine different kind of rule but I have no

This is currently in the CVS.

Now I also worked on another extension to allow the placement of the
list of shape (icons of the pieces) in any ordre, size and position.
This is mandatory for Jean-Philippe Ayanides to creates great geography
This is still under work but JP, you can count on it soon ;)


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