[gcompris-devel] Searching for educational games and web-games

Stephen Liu satimis at writeme.com
Wed Dec 18 18:05:03 UTC 2002

Hi Bruno,

Thanks for your response.

At 05:52 PM 12/18/2002 +0100, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>- snip -
>As for the 3D, I prefer not to use it because it requires special
>kwnoledge to develop and higher level of hardware that most school
>dont't have.

Noted with thanks

>- snip -
>You won't find such demo in the open source area. We don't need to demo
>a product because you can get the full package free as well.
>Then there is a technology step because I assume most of your target is
>Windows based, many open source software do require Linux.


I have both Windows and Linux boxes here.  The games shall run on Linux 
box, K12LTSP.

>As for gcompris, the best way to demo it is to use the freeduc cd.
>This will let your teacher run gcompris and many other free education
>oriented application directly from a CDROM without installing anything.

That is great.  Thanks.  I am downloading the iso image now.  Maybe the 
traffic to the website is full.  The download speed is about 60 kb.  I am 
sitting on 10Mb highway.


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