[gcompris-devel] [Bugs] Porting to Mac Os 10.2

Christophe Trophime trophime at grenoble.cnrs.fr
Sun Dec 8 23:59:03 UTC 2002

Last week I report on a problem with loading plugins
on Mac Os X 10.2. I found out that "get_bplugin_info"
as to be changed to "_get_bplugin_info" to make dlsym work
correctly in pluginenum.c

However gcompris still doesn't work. dlsym reports that multiple
definitions of various symbols in the dynamic library (the plugins).
I am stuck at this point.

I tried to check what is done in xmms pluginenum.c. I found out that the
plugins are "Mach bundle ppc" type whereas the plugins in gcompris are 
"Mach dynamically library". I guess that we should add a specific option
during the building of plugins to get the same type as in xmms which
seems to be working.

Christophe Trophime <trophime at grenoble.cnrs.fr>

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