[gcompris-devel] Re: gcompris replacement for german level.ogg

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Wed Aug 21 02:33:02 UTC 2002

Sory for the late answer. I went in vacation for 3 weeks and I am not
sure I informed you and the gcompris devel list.

You new file has been commited.


Le ven 09/08/2002 à 10:34, Thomas Gebhardt a écrit :
> Dear Bruno,
> please find enclosed a replacement for the german soundfile
> level.ogg for gecompris.
> I had some problems finding an appropriate german word that
> fits in the context. Initially I chose "leicht oder schwer"
> which means "easy or hard". I thought this would be the
> most understandable phrase for the children. Unfortunately
> it makes no sense to append the number from the dice to
> that phrase. So Christof suggested "Stufe" would be better;
> this means "step, stage or level". I agree with him.
> >After thinking about it: what about 'Stufe'? Though somewhat uncommon 
> >among computer users these days (level seems to become a usual german 
> >word like cool) it implies changing difficulty.
> Cheers, Thomas

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