[gcompris-devel] More than one solution in scalesboard

Thomas Gebhardt gebhardt at HRZ.Uni-Marburg.DE
Mon Apr 15 06:22:01 UTC 2002


in the higher levels of the scalesboard plugin there is
frequently more than one solution to a problem,

e.g. (Level 3, 1st challenge)

10 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 17


7 + 5 + 4 + 1 = 17

but only the first of the two correct solutions is accepted.
This is very puzzling for children that insist on the second

As far as I can see the framework of a "shapegame" does not
support for multiple solutions. So I'd suggest to carefully
choose the problems such that there is only one correct

Cheers, Thomas

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