[gcompris-devel] Re: [seul-edu] Reflexions on a KDE-Edu program

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Mon Apr 8 05:14:04 UTC 2002

> [...]
> > This WE, I found ggz (http://ggz.sourceforge.net/)
> > I wonder if we could benefit from a such infrastrure for the grading
> > system but also user monitoring and help (chat is already in ggz). Also,
> > why not creating boards that can be played in group. It could create
> > group emulation to complete the multiplication table the fastest for
> > exemple, or dedicated board that are multiplayer oriented.
> These are good ideas :-) And I guess distributed grading systems are
> about to pop up everywhere... Probably without much mutual
> compatibility, unfortunately.
> Herman

In gcompris, we use xml to define the boards list and the board data.
This is a first step to comptatibility.
We will use XML for the grading also and it would be great to provide
interroperability with other systems like abul-edu that already 'knows'
the user list.
gcompris does not intend to be a grading system per see, we aim to only
to collect and export data.
I don't know which grading system will be good to work with. Anybody can
help on that topic, do you have something in mind?


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