[gcompris-devel] Re: [seul-edu] Reflexions on a KDE-Edu program

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Mon Apr 8 03:07:05 UTC 2002

Le sam 06/04/2002 à 18:27, Anne-Marie MAHFOUF a écrit :
> On Friday 05 Apr 2002 3:56 pm, you wrote:
>  > Anne-Marie,
>  >
>  > It is a very interesting concept.
>  >
>  > To me, the most important in your case would be to define the 
> data format.
>  > If you create it open using a file description like XML, it 
> will be
>  > possible for others to extend/reuse your data and thus more 
> people will
>  > potentially be interested in maintaining this.
> yes, I agree
>  > For example many people like web interface and because they are
>  > multi-platform, Linux user can access them.
> yes. The drawback is that it is all in english.
No, it is possible to create web app in all languages.
On this matter, I did the french translation for one made by a
netherland group:

>  > This is also an oportunity to share our data between kde edu 
> and gcompris.
> yes!
> GCompris is a great program which my youngest daughter uses!
Thanks, so a cheat for your daughter, she can move the fish by keeping
the shift key down and dragging them ;)

On the short term, kde-edu team is of course welcome to reuse the
education material if you need it.

On a long term, It would be great if you could create your tools as some
gcompris plugins.
Writing a board for gcompris like the erase one is just 200 lines of
code. (http://www.ofset.org/gcompris/erase.jpg)
If someone wanted to create this as an application, he/she would have to
maintain an entire project with the configure stuff, the web site, the
documentation, the translation and so on.
I strongly believe a component approach is mandatory for the
maintenance, but it also makes the UI being consistent between different

For the gcompris plugin, there is a document that explain how it works:
Basically, a board just need to provide a start, stop and pause entry
point. Then gcompris core will know how to use it.

As you may know, gcompris is based on the gnome canvas for now and this
will be a problem for your 'kde' orientation. On my side, my target is
clearly good free soft for school, not gnome, not kde.

The gnome canvas has many limitation and if it does not evolve, we will
port gcompris to another API one day. Today SDL and Evas are the best
candidate to me.


>  > Best Regards,
>  > Bruno.
> Cheers,
> Anne-Marie

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