[gcompris-devel] shapegame patch

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Wed Apr 3 09:04:51 UTC 2002

Great, you fixed a long standing bug in gcompris. Thanks a lot for that.

In your implementation, there is no way to put back an item in the list
once it has be 'moved'.
Is this wanted and if so do other people here think it is better or
worse than before ?


le mer 03-04-2002 à 15:17, Ehreth Imre a écrit :
> Hello
>   I promised I will hunt problems. I have found some (possible) in
> shapegame:
>   * The closest target is not always correct. (There was a typo in
> find_closest_shape)
>   * When in the puzzle board a piece of puzzle is grabbed, the image is
> made smaller but by leaving its center at the target point. So the
> pointer is far from the image and when the closest target is looked up
> the position of the pointer is checked. This can be misleading for small
> childrens. I have made modifications to place the picture under the
> pointer. (I have made this only for images)
> I have created and attached a patch against the latest version found at
> anoncvs. If you like it please apply it.
> Beast regards
>    Imre Ehreth
> PS: I hope I will have time to make Hungarian translation
> ----

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