[gcompris-devel] [Ann gcompris 0.9.2]

Bruno Coudoin bcoudoin at anfora.fr
Fri Oct 26 04:02:11 UTC 2001

This new release introduce a board created by Pascal Georges. 
The new board is part of the reading exercises. It displays an icon and
ask the child to find its proper written name within 3 choices. 
Pascal has also developped a nice feedback smilley to encourage
children. This new feature has been incorporated in the gcompris core
API and is now available to all the boards. Further releases will start
to use it where feedback is lacking. 
I would like to thank you Pascal for your effort in having taken the
time to extend gcompris. This is a great acomplishment for me because
your are the first to do so. It shows me that my effort in gcompris are
starting to show up. I have not been fool in doing it or perhaps now we
are two ;) 


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