[FreeNX-kNX] Disable freenx terminal access

chris at ccburton.com chris at ccburton.com
Tue Jun 24 08:28:23 UTC 2014

freenx-knx-bounces at kde.org wrote on 24/06/2014 08:36:29:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to disable terminal access (or things like custom 
> script access) on freenx?

FreeNX doesn't implement

         nxserver --ruleadd

The application of restrictions to nx user sessions in FreeNX is
implemented via


which allows you to change session parameters sent from the

eg.     forcing kde desktop:-
        changeparam type unix-kde
        changeparam virtualdesktop 1
        changeparam rootless 0

or      forcing rootless openoffice:-

        changeparam type unix-application
        changeparam rootless 1
        changeparam virtualdesktop 0
        changeparam application "/usr/bin/ooffice"

> It's doable on the commercial version, 
> according to the guide: https://www.nomachine.com/FR04D01364
> Thanks in advance.
> Marco
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