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Fri Jan 17 03:57:02 UTC 2014

NX_LOG_LEVEL is not defined, and NX_VERSION also, and so I get on the
nxsetup test - a version mismatch. I get errors on lines 18, 458, 600 on
nxserver. On 458, and 600 there are these NX_ variables, and on line 18 is
the 'source command' on nxloadconfig where these variables supposed to be
set. (btw, I have removed and purged 0.6.0 before installation.)

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Hi,<br><br> I am trying to upgrade on debian. I currently use 0.6.0, and I try to upgrade to <a href="http://0.7.2.">0.7.2.</a><br><br>I have tried the "Easy" way with freenx0.7.2 and !M freeforever 3.2 tar.gz,  but it doesn't work for me. Please help. <br>
<br>From the errors that I get it seems like nxloadconfig doesn't work, since NX_LOG_LEVEL is not defined, and NX_VERSION also, and so I get on the nxsetup test - a version mismatch. I get errors on lines 18, 458, 600  on nxserver. On 458, and 600 there are these NX_ variables, and on line 18 is the 'source command' on nxloadconfig where these variables supposed to be set. (btw, I have removed and purged 0.6.0 before installation.)  


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