[FreeNX-kNX] NX disappears after starting

Chris chris at ccburton.com
Wed May 1 19:41:22 UTC 2013

freenx-knx-bounces at kde.org wrote on 01/05/2013 18:42:58:

> gnome is installed and running on all Fedora Core machines.
> The windows client side is running version 3.5.09, The Fedora
> hosts are running freenx-server v 0.7.3-18

> The behavior is consistent from all windows machines. On all but
> two FC hosts, they work like a champ. On two FC hosts they pass
> authentication and start up the GUI then quickly disappear.

OK, so it's probably not a windows problem after all then.

> A bit more information; My home dir is shared out to ALL these
> machines (windows and Linux) 
> For the problem FC hosts, I had previously install Nomachine.
> I have since uninstalled that and loaded FreeNX. I thought there
> might be some remnant from the previous install but I did a
> rpm -qpl  to see what nomachine puts on the FC hosts and 
> insured that all these files/directories were removed. 

 . . . could still be a library file or two . . .

> For the FC freenx installation, I'm leaving it otherwise generic
> after running
> nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key
> and btw, the test at the end of the install implies that it's set
> up correctly.

Do the two machines work as local desktop login without NX out of
the picture ??

Are there any other differences specific to these machines ???

Try connecting with xterm instead of gnome

Configure button ( in nxclient )
< general> tab
<Desktop> custom
<settings> button
<run the following command>  xterm

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