[FreeNX-kNX] Login impossible: 105 /usr/bin/nxserver: line 1371: 5521 Terminated sleep $AGENT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT

olafs6 at gmx.de olafs6 at gmx.de
Wed Jul 3 12:55:10 UTC 2013

Hi Chris!

Am Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013 12:39:02 schrieb chris at ccburton.com:
> There are any number of ways to get this to happen, including
>         ( bearing in mind that it was working before )
> 1/ The machine is heavily loaded
>         cpu maxed out
>         memory swapping
>         disk io slow
> Check all the loadings . . . including the running NX jobs, "top" "iostat"
>         web browsers, acroread, flash, indexers, akonadi, nepomuk etc etc

"top" shows all is fine, no load higher than in the years before.
Disk is 36GB available. I don't know "iostat", it's not installed, and I think 
it is better to install nothing and this time (?)
The running sessions are as fast as they are before, very fast, all looks 

serv:~ # free                                                                                                                    
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                                                        
Mem:       7972184    7756156     216028          0     397512    5473320                                                        
-/+ buffers/cache:    1885324    6086860                                                                                         
Swap:     45110504     204648   44905856                                                                                         

> 2/ Something got moved / deleted / corrupted / unmounted
> Check if nxagent is still there etc ( and not just the wrapper script )

"top" shows the user-sessions with "nxagent". Is it what you mean?

 1318 USERNAME    20   0  122m  89m 5080 R   10  1.2   1031:16 nxagent

> You can delete running programs from the disk
>          without killing the running instance
> the age old questions . . . . ( well 60 years ) . . . .
> a/ what was the last thing you changed on the machine ???

I do not remember the last change on system, because it was something in 2012 
or 2011. ("Don't touch a running system")
The last thing I have done (not openoffice etc...) was *.tar many files and 
burn on DVD with k3b, yesterday.

By the way, a user told me he was not able to log in since yesterday 
afternoon, not since lasst night.

> b/ how long has the machine been running since a boot-up

serv:~ # uptime                                                                                                                  
 13:01pm  up 128 days 15:31,  0 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.21, 0.35

I am thinking about a reboot as solution, but I am afraid of being unable to 
login after that, must then go to the server with a screen / pad / mouse, 
sitting in a warm little room... when the reboot is not the solution.

> How many sessions could you get running simultaneously before this
> happened ???

I have 6 terminals; the maximum I had seen was 5 sessions simultaneously. I 
think the server is able to work with much more sessions, because we only use 
openoffice, icewm, opera (most only one session per terminal/user).

> Quite annoying Olaf  isn't it ???

The weather is fine, 27 C, today morning I was thinking about take my kids 
from kindergarden early, spend much time in playing this afternoon ...
... and now I stuck in front of my terminal and workmates who ask me "When can 
I use...?"
Did I and the online dictionary understand the words "Quite annoying" correct?  
My english is not very well  :-)

> Good luck anyway !!  Let us know how you get on . . .

Thank you.
I hope I have answered to all questions.


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