[FreeNX-kNX] CentOS6 FreeNX never starts session

chris at ccburton.com chris at ccburton.com
Fri Feb 15 20:28:49 UTC 2013

freenx-knx-bounces at kde.org wrote on 15/02/2013 19:56:51:

> I’ve run freenx successfully before, but on RHEL5 32-bit (x86).  Now
> I’ve just installed freenx on TWO different CentOS6.x 64-bit (x64) 
> servers, but neither is working.
> In both cases, I can login, and get an empty, black X11 window.  I 
> know it’s working that far, because I can connect to the server, set
> my DISPLAY to :100x and run /etc/X11/xinit/Xsession to start my 
> window manager properly and use my NX session.  Obviously, that’s 

OK so the X stuff is working . . . 

> not good enough, and I need to get NX launching the session on login
> like it should, but nothing in the logs (~/.nx/ and /var/log/nx/) 
> indicates any problem.  --check is pretty worthless, as it always 
> I wrote a tiny shell script that, when run, just creates a file in 
> /tmp, filled with the date and a few user variables.  If I tell the 
> nxclient to run that command as my shell, it is NEVER executed, as 

As your shell ?? 

> I’ve never seen a file show up, after dozens of attempts.  I have 
> SELINUX disabled, and nothing is notably pathological about my 
> installations…  One of the two is pretty plain vanilla CentOS6.x. 
> Now I’m trying with OpenNX, but no change.
> I’d appreciate any help tracking down where this process is hanging-
> up.  I’m amazed there aren’t more reports of problems like this, 
> because I’m seeing a 100% failure rate on CentOS6.

You could be 100% of the user base on centos6 ;)

OK, so the desktop isn't starting corectly (or fully).

Did you check how far it gets - do you have a launch script starting up ??

Is it still "startkde" and "gnome-session" in Centos6

i.e. (the defaults are actualy set by nxloadconfig)

# The key that contains the name of the script that starts a gnome 
# It's run when a 'unix-gnome' session is requested by the client.

or what do you have configured in /etc/nxserver/node.conf

Which one are you using anyway ???

Is it working ok without NX

If so . . . .

Try it with xterm instead of start kde or gnome or whatever you are using.

i.e. in the nxclient

         Unix  &  Custom ( menus )


        <Run the follwing command>(checkbox)

enter xterm in the text box.

You can try with both

        "New virtual desktop"
        "Floating window"

in section "Options" just below.

You should see a nice quick xterm window appear on your desktop.

Try starting your desktop managerwithin that first 
and see what happens
 (note it's better to have "New virtual desktop" for that one !!
         so you have a root wiindow)

Let us know how you get on . . . .

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