[FreeNX-kNX] CentOS 6.4 FreeNX Session - Cannot open display

OwN-3m-All own3mall at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 22:52:49 UTC 2013

Hey All,

When I am logged into a FreeNX Session on my CentOS 6.4 server, I keep
getting an error message when trying to run commands that load
applications.  For example, if I run

*sudo nautilus*

I get this output:

*No protocol specified
Could not parse arguments: Cannot open display: *

The display variable shows:
*echo $DISPLAY

It's not just nautilus.  If I try to launch virt-manager, I get this output:

*sudo virt-manager
No protocol specified
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virt-manager.py", line 383, in <module>
  File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virt-manager.py", line 286, in main
    raise gtk_error
RuntimeError: could not open display*

Pretty much any GUI application I try to call from the terminal fails
because it could not open the display.

Any idea what I should do?  I tried this from the CentOS FreeNX article (

Solution: Edit /etc/nxserver/node.conf and change the line:

#AGENT_EXTRA_OPTIONS_X="-nolisten tcp"



I really need to be able to launch these GUI applications from a FreeNX
session.  My separate Ubuntu server has no problems accessing the display
in FreeNX sessions.  All help is appreciated.
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