[FreeNX-kNX] establish a encrypted NX session using an alternative SSH client

Julio Carlos Barrera Juez juliocarlos.barrera at grupoica.com
Fri Jul 6 11:03:35 UTC 2012

Hi all.

I'm developing a Java based NX client. In my first sprint I have developed a NX handler to establish NX sessions using a SSH pure Java library called JSCH (http://www.jcraft.com/jsch/). It worked with few source code lines and I achieve establishing NX sessions without encryption (SSL Port forwarding). Now I'm trying to do the same, but using encrypted NX sessions that only use one SSH port. I change the 'startsession' parameter and I create a SSL forwarded tunnel in my SSH client. I know that using 'nxssh', it is necessary to say 'bye' to the server and then write the command 'NX> 299 Switch connection to: SSH port: local_port  accept:'. Then I launch 'nxproxy' and the remote NX session starts.

The problem appeared when I tried to launch the original 'nxproxy' with my custom SSL port forwarded tunnel. 'nxproxy' connected with the local listening port, but it seems it didn't connect with the remote 'nxagent' which was listening in the correct port. Maybe I was establishing bad the port forwarded tunnel, but I have no evidences of it.

It is possible to establish the whole connection using 'openssh' standard client instead of 'nxssh', it will help me a lot to understand the whole process.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you!
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