[FreeNX-kNX] Informations about mounting local USB

chris at ccburton.com chris at ccburton.com
Thu Jan 26 16:24:16 UTC 2012

freenx-knx-bounces at kde.org wrote on 21/12/2011 09:53:45:

> Hello,
> I search to make works mounting local USB on our servers.
> OS : Ubuntu 10.04
> Thanks for your help.
> Sincerely,
> Jean Milot

I cant tell how much you know from this, but
I can get you started . .

I take it you mean to mount the Workstation USB
Drive on the FreeNX server . . . which is how
it works. 

There is no plug-and-play mechanism for mounting
drives,and no FreeNX server tool is supplied
for manually mounting shares after connection.

so, what you can do . . .

The nxclient will mount the Workstation's
CURRENT SMB Shares on the FreeNX server
at connect time if you enable it, select the
SMB share(s), and supply valid login credentials
for the share(s).

i.e. If the SMB Share is available when you
connect to FreeNX then on the nxclient you
can enable "SMB file sharing" and select the
share in the <Services> tab
 ( behind the nxclient <Configure> Button )


you have to have *** USER mount / umount
set up correctly in FreeNX ***

If you have, and you want to insert/mount a
USB Drive whilst connected and have it
mounted on the FreeNX server, you have to:-

1/ - mount the USB drive on the Workstation

2/ - set it up as a Share to which you
have access

3/ - disconnect (suspend) the FreeNX session
ensure the new share with
a login/password is set up in nxclient
"SMB file sharing" is selected in the nxclient

Fourth - reconnect

Note:- If you have
set in nxnode, you can just start a new nxclient
and add the new share and connect and the
session will be taken over by it.

This is all a bit messy if you want to
mount/dismount a number of USB drives.

If you have a Linux workstation you can
mount a single SMB share on the FreeNX server
mount your various USB drives below it.
You won't need to set up new shares for
each USB stick.

If you know what you are doing, you can
connect your Workstation to FreeNX
"SMB file sharing" set
manually mount/dismount any SMB shares from
the server with something like:-

sudo (u)mount -t smbfs //workstation/share-name \
your/mount/point/ \
-o ip=,port=nxagent's-smb-port, \


sudo mount.cifs // \
your/mount/point/ \
-o port=nxagent's-smb-port, \

but you need to be able to find your own
nxagent's-smb-port eg. typ 4001 4002 etc
have sudo/suid/usermount access to
(u)mount.cifs etc

User umount-ing is a bit of an issue with
cifs-utils but I don't like su, so I have
some compiled older versions which don't
prompt if there's anything missing from
the command line


There are a number of security considerations.

Workstation login/password are saved by the nxclient
( so consider setting up a new Workstation account
for mounting the shares, so you aren't storing a
sudo enabled account's details )

suid for mount.cifs is recommended against by samba

user mount entries in /etc/fstab sound like a good
idea but they need exact //machine/share entries


You may have issues with Windows Firewall
problems with loopback connections on Windows
if you connect using a "modem"
eg. a 3G wireless stick, which may be seen
as a modem by Windows

I hope all this moves you along a bit ;)

> -- 
> Jean Milot  - jmilot at dotriver.eu - www.dotriver.eu<
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