[FreeNX-kNX] Known problem? Arrow keys and many more doesn't get mapped

chris at ccburton.com chris at ccburton.com
Mon Apr 9 10:01:53 UTC 2012

freenx-knx-bounces at kde.org wrote on 08/04/2012 22:32:50:

> Dear all,
> I am using FreeNX SVN from 20th Decenber 2011 on an Ubuntu 11.10 64bit 

The FreeNX svn hasn't been updated since 2008.
It is missing a number of patches . . . . 
        ( so what exactly are you using ??? )

> When I connect from any Linux host the arrow key, Alt Gr, right CTRL
> and more doesn't work.

. . . like the one to fix evdev/changing of the key mappings

> If I dump the keymap layout from my physical computer with "xmodmap
> -pke > keymap" and import in the FreeNX session with "xmodmap keymap"
> the arrow keys works again.
> Is it possible to fix this on the FreeNX server, so the clients won't
> have to mess with it? =)

If it's the evdev issue, you need the line in your nxnode near

cat << EOF > "$USER_FAKE_HOME/.nx/C-$sess_id/options"

looks a bit like :-


to actually look like that.

The evdev keymapping bit is the 


see /nx-X11/programs/Xserver/hw/nxagent/Keyboard.c

> Hugs,
> Sandra =)

Marcello has added 12.04 LTS to the ubuntu FreeNX ppa now.

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