[FreeNX-kNX] Known problem? Arrow keys and many more doesn't get mapped

Sandra Schlichting littlesandra88 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 21:32:50 UTC 2012

Dear all,

I am using FreeNX SVN from 20th Decenber 2011 on an Ubuntu 11.10 64bit host.

When I connect from any Linux host the arrow key, Alt Gr, right CTRL
and more doesn't work.

If I dump the keymap layout from my physical computer with "xmodmap
-pke > keymap" and import in the FreeNX session with "xmodmap keymap"
the arrow keys works again.

Is it possible to fix this on the FreeNX server, so the clients won't
have to mess with it? =)

Sandra =)

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