[FreeNX-kNX] OpenNX windows x FreeBX RHEL

fernando at lozano.eti.br fernando at lozano.eti.br
Fri Sep 23 12:56:22 UTC 2011


I installed FreeNX on an RHEL 5.4 machine using the packages from CentOS
available at http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/FreeNX

It's working fine and with no firewall blocking because I can use the
NoMachines client to connecto to it and open sessions. But If I try to
connect using OpenNX, it won't work.
I'm using the OpenNX windows binaries from
http://www.fritz-elfert.de/downloads/ uner Windows XP 32-bits SP3

I tried both the xming and nxwin binaties with same results. And I tried
bith creating a new connection configuration and reusing the connection
from the NoMachines client. I even tried unstalling the NoMachines client
and OpenNX, rebooting and removing the .nx and .ssh folders from my User
"Documents and Settings" folder, then resintalling OpenNX.

OpenNX shows no error message. It opens the login window, I type my user
name and password on the remote box, then it asks for a keystore password,
I type [Enter] (no password) and nothing happens. I know I'm using the
correct ssh certificate because I had to get it and copy to the NoMachines
client config.

I checked all logfiles on athe .nx folder but have no clue about what went
wrong. Nothing there looks like an erro message.

I would like to use a compleletly open source setup, but so far I have to
use the NoMachines client. Can anyone help me getting the openNX client
[]s, Fernando Lozano

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