[FreeNX-kNX] Re: Logging in takes a long time

Marc Serra MSerra at manxa.es
Wed May 4 08:14:34 UTC 2011

Here works too!!!

Thank's to all, specially Ricardo!

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Yves Goergen [mailto:nospam.list at unclassified.de] 
Enviado el: martes, 03 de mayo de 2011 21:51
Para: User Support for FreeNX Server and kNX Client
Asunto: [FreeNX-kNX] Re: Logging in takes a long time
On 01.05.2011 12:18 CE(S)T, Ricardo Díaz Martín wrote:
> You have to use freenx karmic packages for ubuntu instead of lucid. This
> is a server side know issue.
> Uninstall freenx in the server. Go to /etc/apt/sourced.d/ and edit the
> freenx referenced file and replace lucid by karmic. Then sudo apt-get
> update and install freenx again using official ubuntu guide
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX

That helped indeed! From the appearance of the window to that of its
content it no longer takes 20+ seconds but now only 4. That makes a
working connection well within 15 seconds, of which the first 8 have at
least some screen animation going on. Much better. Thank you for that
solution! :-)

I'm curious what cool new "lucid" features I am missing now? (I didn't
notice any differences yet. Even the custom key was not touched so I
don't need to reconfigure any clients.)

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.list at unclassified.de>
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Marc Serra - OiS
mserra at manxa.es 
Manxa 1901 S.L.
Ctra. Les Tries 85 
17800 Olot (Girona)
Telf: +34 972 27 64 99

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