[FreeNX-kNX] windows/osx shares fail to mount

Toni Asensi Esteve asmond at orange.es
Wed Jul 28 07:53:12 UTC 2010

> Of course the real issue is *NIX's rudimentary authorization levels, root 
> or not root. 

> sudo still runs the broken mount.cifs as root

For the sake of clarity, I just wanted to comment that "sudo" runs commands as 
your user, not as root. With sudo your user gets more privileges temporaly, 
and in every "log" file, "ps" command, etc. it's your user which appears there 
doing this action, not a non-concrete "root".

In Windows, neither "runas" or "UAC" are sudo, they impersonate another user 
rather than privilege escalation. 

"Runas" and "su":
    * do not allow authorized users to launch processes with elevated 
privileges using their own passphrase.
    * do not preserve the user's profile and ownership of created objects.

The runas command is (more or less) equivalent to Unix su, not sudo. The 
reason sudo is sometimes considered superior to su is that it allows privilege 
escalation based on the user’s own identity, and most importantly does not 
require use of a shared password. Using runas or su to access a privileged 
account requires distribution of a password to an admin-capable account, a 
security weakness that sudo does not have.

P.S. If it may be useful for anyone: in my /etc/sudoers, I have this line:
     MY_PARTICULAR_USER ALL=(root) NOPASSWD : /bin/mount, /bin/umount, 
/sbin/mount.cifs, /sbin/umount.cifs
and so for exemple I execute
	sudo mount [...]
to mount something, I don't mind if it's samba or not. There's an example 
searching " /sbin/mount.cifs" in 


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