[FreeNX-kNX] Some questions about FreeNX Server

André Schild a.schild at aarboard.ch
Mon Feb 1 12:12:12 UTC 2010

On 01.02.2010 13:03, roland wrote:
> On Mon, 01 Feb 2010 12:44:40 +0100, roland<roland at cat.be>  wrote:
>> On Mon, 01 Feb 2010 12:35:42 +0100, Andre Schild<a.schild at aarboard.ch>
>> wrote:
>> Hello André,
>>>> What do you mean by "I did deinstall the numlockxx from the server and
>>>> now
>>>> it works."?
>>>> Where do you do this?
>>> numlockx  (Not numlockxx as mentioned above) is a software package
>>> which is installed by default in ubuntu.
>>> I just did deinstall it via aptitude and then did reconnect from the
>>> nxclient.
>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock
>> That's why!!
>> I don't use ubuntu but CentOS
>> Any solution for this version of Linux?
> apparently there is also a numlockx for CentOS, but on my system there is
> no /usr/bin/numlockx or whatever on the disk with this name.
> With kde one has kcontrol to set num-lock (on my system it is set to
> 'leave unchanged')... But I use Gnome. Where is this set?
According to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock it could be found 

System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layout -> Layout Options -> 
Miscellaneous compatibility options -> turn on "Default numeric keypad keys"

But I did not see any option to leave it untouched....

Atually it seems that both, the client and the xserver handle the 
Numlock Keypress, so it just inverses.

Perhaps this helps:


when you do just the oposite.. ?


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