[FreeNX-kNX] Some problems with my FreeNX configuration

Alain Lemerre alain.lemerre at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 06:20:50 UTC 2009

Hi everybody,

I am currently working to configure some applications for my users and I
have some strange things.

My configuration: Slackware 13.0 FreeNX SVN 0.7.4 with Marcelo Boveto Shima
patches. Lastest Nomachine components (3.4)

First of all, when I do a "nxloadconfig --check" I get this input:

Warning: Invalid value
/usr/NX/lib/libXrender.so.1.2 could not be found. Users will not be able to
run a single application in non-rootless mode.

In my /usr/NX/lib directory the following libs are installed:
libX11.so@          libXcompext.so.3@       libXext.so.6.4*
libX11.so.6@        libXcompext.so.3.4.0*   libXrender.so@
libX11.so.6.2*      libXcompshad.so@        libXrender.so.1@
libXcomp.so@        libXcompshad.so.3@      libXrender.so.1.2.2*
libXcomp.so.3@      libXcompshad.so.3.4.0*  libnxredir.so.0*
libXcomp.so.3.4.0*  libXext.so@
libXcompext.so@     libXext.so.6@

1. If I lanch a full KDE Session, everything works fine

2. If I launch a GIMP session, it works fine except that the session doesn't
close well and the NX Client get stuck to "connecting to GIMP". I need to
launch the GIMP session a second time and it works.

3. If I launch a OpenOffice Swriter session, Open Office is displayed on the
server display not on the client

Do you know if these 2 different problems are linked to the warning issued
by nxloadconfig? Do you know any workaround?

Thanks a lot for your help.

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