[FreeNX-kNX] Unable to open Display

Daniel Spannbauer ds at marco.de
Mon Jun 8 12:22:36 UTC 2009

Boris Savelev schrieb:
> 2009/6/8 Daniel Spannbauer <ds at marco.de>:
>> Hello,
>> I'M using FreeNX 0.5.0 and NX-1.5.0 under SuSE 10.2.
>> The Login with the actal NXClient from Nomachine works perfectly. But in
>> NX when I do a telnet to an other host and try to start a X-application
>> I get "unable to open Display". Display is set to unix:1000.
>> If I do a xhost + an try to start the app again there is also the error
>> "cannot connect to X server unix:1000.0".
>> Can anybody help me to fix this?
> find AGENT_EXTRA_OPTIONS_X in node.conf, comment out line and remove
> "-nolisten tcp"


the Line looks  like this:
AGENT_EXTRA_OPTIONS_X="-xkbdir /usr/share/X11/xkb"

As you can see there is noc "nolisten tcp"



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>          Don't forget to check the NX Knowledge Base:
>                  http://www.nomachine.com/kb/ 
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Daniel Spannbauer                         Software Entwicklung
marco Systemanalyse und Entwicklung GmbH  Tel   +49 8333 9233-27 Fax -11
Rechbergstr. 4 - 6, D 87727 Babenhausen   Mobil +49 171 4033220
http://www.marco.de/                      Email ds at marco.de
Geschäftsführer Martin Reuter             HRB 171775 Amtsgericht München

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