[FreeNX-kNX] Extremely poor performance with Youtube/flash

Mario Becroft mb at gem.win.co.nz
Sun Jan 18 23:45:50 UTC 2009

Terje Andersen <terander at guard.zapto.org> writes:

> Also, look at this:
> http://www.nomachine.com/fr/view.php?id=FR01D01271

Those three feature requests that you mentioned were quite
interesting. The most directly relevant was the one about improvements
to lazy encoding policy. The interesting thing is, this policy is
proably working quite well, since there does not seem to be any
congestion on the nx connection itself. I don't think they took into
account that the local X server on the nx client could be the
bottleneck. It shouldn't be, of course, and that is the crux of the
matter: why is the X server being so absurdly slow?

Would someone who is knowledgable about X care to comment on my second
hypthesis? Does it make sense or is it total rubbish?

The other two feature requests about multimedia and Xvideo support sound
great if they get time to implement them. It would make a big difference
for things like this.

However, the performance is still far, far worse than it should be even
without those kinds of advanced optimisations.

Mario Becroft <mb at gem.win.co.nz>

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