[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX Android-Java

Alastair Johnson alastair at solutiontrax.com
Wed Nov 19 14:40:07 UTC 2008

Paul Hassinger wrote:
> I know there was some success in using freeNX using Java (with the
> binaries compiled).
> I am wondering if anyone has worked on porting freenx to Android.
> I realize that you would need root access to get the binaries
> installed, but would it then be possible to use the Java Android Java
> API to run the client?
> Just wondering if there's anything in the works or it sounds reasonable?

Since Android doesn't use X it seems unlikely we'll see a client or 
server any time soon. NX is, after all, a means of accelerating remote X 
connections. It's possible someone will write an X server for Android 
like they have for qtopia, in which case running nxcl may be possible if 
you can get native binaries onto the system.

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