[FreeNX-kNX] nxagent hangs with openoffice.org

Mario Becroft mb at gem.win.co.nz
Wed Nov 12 15:26:54 UTC 2008

"Florian Schmidt" <fschmidt at gmx.at> writes:

> Hi,
> I also noticed this problem:
> We could reproduce this problem by opening Chip Layouts / Chip Schematics in Cadence Virtuoso 6.x when starting some parts written in Java an producing a high amount of graphical output. The client setting for mem-cache and disc-cache was set to max. After setting this to zero or nearly to zero solved the problem for the users in our company.
> Maybe this helps you to  identify the problem.

That's interesting--we already have the on-disk cache set to 0, and the
in-memory cache set to 4 megabytes (the smallest the nxclient GUI allows
you to set). However, by editing the session file, I can change the
in-memory cache to 0. I will make this change and report whether it has
any effect.

It doesn't make sense for most of our terminals to have on-disk cache in
any case, because they are mounted via NFS, so anything in the cache
would be traversing the network anyway. The nx server is also on NFS,
but that is on gigabit ethernet and so is quite fast.

Surely nomachine must be aware of this problem. I wonder if it is going
to be fixed? Right now I would be happy with any solution that works,
but it sure defeats the purpose of having a large cache for running over
WAN links if you have to disable it because it makes the nxagent hang!

Mario Becroft <mb at gem.win.co.nz>

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