[FreeNX-kNX] nxagent hangs with openoffice.org

Mario Becroft mb at gem.win.co.nz
Tue Nov 11 18:52:57 UTC 2008

I am running Freenx 0.7.3 with nx libraries 3.2.0 on Centos 5.2 (I have
tried both the Centos packaged nx libraries, and the binaries from

Sometimes the nx session will become very slow or nxagent may hang using
100% CPU. Typically the session is all right to start with, but
gradually gets worse and worse.

Using openoffice.org seems especially likely to trigger the problem.

Most users do not see the problem, but a few users, especially ones who
use openoffice.org a lot, have to have their sessions restarted every

Has anyone else seen this? Any ideas on how to diagnose or fix it?

Mario Becroft <mb at gem.win.co.nz>

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