[FreeNX-kNX] silly question

Dimitar Paskov pascoff at nola7.com
Thu Jan 24 11:59:42 UTC 2008

> Hello,
> I'm using nxclients on kiosk pc's. All users connect to the same
> server so I have a session.nxs defined too.
> When the PC boots, .nx/nxclient.cfg and .nx/session.nxs are copied
> from /etc/skel to the kiosk system user's home.
> When X gets loaded and the nxclient pops up, the system user's name is
> preloaded into the nxclient dialog.
> In session.nx I have
> <option key="User" value="" />
> I would really like an empty Login:
> How should I do it?

You should create an empty file "nopasswd" in /usr/NX/share/ (or 
wherever you have installed nxclient). For example:

touch /usr/NX/share/nopasswd

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