[FreeNX-kNX] Obtaining the X Windows ID of the NX window

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Wed Sep 26 07:27:27 UTC 2007

> Hi List,
> An NX Client program is likely to want to manipulate the window which
> appears on the screen. It might want to do this to dock the new window
> in a tab of a tabbed window, for example.
> This is quite easy to do, so long as you know the X window ID of the
> window that you want to dock.
> Unfortunately, I don't think the NX protocol returns this datum at
> present.

No, it doesn't.

> As far as I can see from a quick look through the NX sources, it looks
> like nxagent needs to report the X window ID back to nxserver, which can
> then pass that information back down the nxssh channel in a message,
> which could look something like:

You can also use the XPlugger and krdc approach and suck in the new window with the "NXAgent" / rdesktop title reference, which works to almost 100%. And works even more as you set the title with --title.

> NX> 999 X Window ID:2341

Don't like it.

Better use a NX 728> X Window ID:2341, but I don't know if its already available at that moment.

Another possibility was to pass a wid parameter to NXAgent to embed itself automatically ...

I would ask a feature request at NoMachine for such a parameter or at least discuss it with them. Perhaps they have already thought of a good way?



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