[FreeNX-kNX] Dropping Connection

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Thu Sep 20 07:33:30 UTC 2007

> I've recently installed Centos 5 on a work server that I plan to operate 
> the Pentaho BI suite on. On the server I installed nxserver from the 
> repo and set it up accordingly.

Which version? Whenever you ask for a problem, tell the authors exactly which version you are using.

> The weird thing is that after an evening 
> at home logged on via vpn and everything going swimmingly well, I've 
> arrived at work today to find that both my windows and gentoo versions 
> of nxclient drop their connections roughly every 5 minutes, it just 
> kicks them both out.

That is strange.

> I thought this was a little odd as it kills off all 
> of my ssh connections(even just plain ssh terminals) and wont let me log 
> back in for 30 seconds or so 

What means kick off? How do they exit?

> and then it lets me back in straight where 
> I left off, so its not the nxserver dying and its doesn't appear to be a 
> hardware issue as I've even put my hdd in a 2nd box today and tried it 
> in there with the same effect.

And this only happens once you start up a session with nxclient?

> My messages and nxserver logs are empty, I've not got my firewall 
> switched on or SELinux(we're behind a corporate firewall so I figure 
> we're reasonably safe).

You're messages and nxserver logs can't be empty, please read the FAQ on troubleshooting to at least get the logs. Also get the and post the client logs.

Given the global nature of the problem, I however doubt that NX has anything to do with it.

Try the following:

- Create a new user "b" additionally to your user "a" on 'remote'
- Let "b" login into the machine 'remote' from:

* the same machine you login to 'remote' via nxclient
* another machine, where you have a screen running to login into 'remote'

If your nxclient also throws out user 'b' then you have a serious security issue (not your fault though) as no user should be able to kill off the session of another user.

Best regards,


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