[FreeNX-kNX] OT: Editing a .nxs file with nxclient

Felix E. Klee felix.klee at inka.de
Sat Sep 8 19:06:55 UTC 2007

How can I edit a .nxs file using nxclient?

When I run "nxclient bla.nxs", then it simply starts the session bla.
This is not what I want.

Of course, I can copy the file to ~/.nx/config/ and back, but that's
cumbersome.  I want to edit it in-place, and I want to edit it with
"nxclient" (i.e. not with a text editor).

Felix E. Klee
Jabber/Google Talk: feklee at jabber.org, SIP: 9779619 at sipgate.de
ICQ: 158124695, Yahoo!: feklee, AIM: felix.klee at inka.de
Gizmo: felixklee, Skype: felix.klee

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