[FreeNX-kNX] Making mouse cursor visible

Felix E. Klee felix.klee at inka.de
Sat Sep 8 08:10:35 UTC 2007

I want to use a session in order to demonstrate an application to
someone else remotely.  The other person connects to a machine via X/NX,
and I connect to that session either via VNC or via NX Shadow.

This all works fine, except for one thing: The other person doesn't see
my mouse pointer.  I assume that this is by design.  However, there must
be a simple solution: 

  Does anyone know a program that draws a little graphic image that
  follows the mouse cursor?

An example for such a program is that bouncing startup indicator seen in
KDE.  But, 1. I don't want to use KDE and 2. I only want a simple mouse
cursor to be shown, nothing bouncing and not just during startup of


  Is there another, simpler / more reliable way?

Felix E. Klee
Jabber/Google Talk: feklee at jabber.org, SIP: 9779619 at sipgate.de
ICQ: 158124695, Yahoo!: feklee, AIM: felix.klee at inka.de
Gizmo: felixklee, Skype: felix.klee

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