[FreeNX-kNX] Fedora 8 working for anyone?

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Thu Nov 15 12:10:56 UTC 2007

> I've been using a fairly old verion NX because it worked so
> well I didn't want to risk breaking it by upgrading :-).

NCARS :-) (Never change a running system)

> However, on my new Fedora 8 box, I can't get either the old
> NX or the new versions from the Fedora 8 repo to work at all.
> Has anyone had success with Fedora 8?

Yes. I just debugged one Fedora 8 and it works now.

First security contexts had been a problem.

In that case it was a 0.7.0 FreeNX and the problem was that a unix:1000 style DISPLAY was set in /usr/libexec/nx/nxnode.

It might also have had to do with /tmp/.X11-unix/ not having been created with correct permissions.

> It seems to always wind up with an error about nxagent getting
> an I/O error talking to the display, so I tried the desperation
> debug technique of swapping nxagent for a script that runs the real
> nxaget program under strace in the hopes that I could see exactly
> where the I/O error was happening.
> Lo and behold, the thing worked when running under strace (but was
> horribly slow, so this isn't much of a solution).

That is strange in the above case the problem was that the application failed to startup and so nxagent was killed due to session end, which also can lead to DISPLAY errors if nxagent is killed too early.

So I suggest:

- checking security contexts
- checking /tmp/.X11-unix/ for correct permissions and creation:

$ mkdir -m1755 /tmp/.X11-unix/

If it still does not work, changing DISPLAY="unix:$display" to DISPLAY=":$display" everywhere in /usr/libexec/nx/nxnode.

And if it still does not work, it must be a different problem. ;-)



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